Stillness, God’s 2024 Word for me
This year I chose Stillness as my word for the year, with Wisdom and Wonder as supplementary words. Here I discuss how I chose, what verses go with them, and how I hope to use these words in my daily life through 2024.
Lament and the Longest Night
Right before Christmas, we in the northern hemisphere experience the longest night, and it's a good time to bring our laments to God, admitting our doubts and hurts and fears before we celebrate Jesus's arrival.
The Sanctuary of Psalm 114
When Psalm 114 speaks of Israel as a sanctuary, maybe it's speaking of me and the church as sanctuaries, as well. What does that look like?
Don’t Be Afraid
True Confessions. When I read Don’t be afraid or Fear not in the Bible, I think of Jesus standing with his hands on his hips, frowning, scolding me. I mean, it’s a command, and it’s a command I break with frightening regularity, so Jesus is disappointed with me, right? Maybe angry? Someone recently helped me see these commands in a different light, and I want to share that light with you. (Thank you Carrie Mars for your devotion Calm Your Anxious Mind.) Picture the scene. You’re in bed in the dark, and a storm is raging outside. Wind pelts the house and rhythmically slaps rain against the windows. Shadows from…
Hidden in God’s house
In Psalm 27 David faces enemies with confidence because he is safe within God's home. What does this mean, and how can we have the same confidence with our enemies?
Seeking God’s Strength
When I saw the verse from 1 Chronicles on my phone--Search for the Lord and his strength--I froze, knowing this meant something to me right now. This is my search for that meaning...
Advent and the Art of Waiting
I wanted to celebrate Advent. Instead I found myself with a migraine living a mini Advent and looking at the Psalms. Object lessons can hurt, y'all!
Visiting the Ruins: Psalm 74
Psam 74 is a lament over the destruction of the temple and a call for God to defend his people. It also gives us words to use when we feel God is far and has forgotten us.
The Heart Set on Pilgrimage
In Psalm 84 David talks about the joy of God's house and having a heart set on a pilgrimage to see it. Take a look at this powerful imagery of life as a journey toward God.
Watch Expectantly
What does it really mean to be ready to serve? And what does a servant do, practically and physically, while he’s waiting for the master? Finally, what does this have to do with anxiety or fear?