Sacred Pathways Part Two
Part two of our look at nine ways to connect with God during personal worship/quiet time. Which ones describe you?
Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God
Recently I found a little book called Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God. I love anything that helps me connect with God. To me Bible study, quiet time, prayer—it’s all about connecting with God. Anxiety disconnects me. I go inside myself and don’t always connect with God, who is more than happy to come when I call and…
Fighting Holiday Anxiety
Holiday anxiety can derail celebrations and cause undue heartache. Look at some of the triggers of holiday anxiety as well as some ways to face the holidays without holiday anxiety or depression.
Notes from a Panic Disorder Relapse
After fifteen years of decent mental health, this week panic disorder is taking me down. A very honest post from the midst of a bout of acute anxiety from a Christian who wishes the whole thing would go away and leave her alone.
The Heart Set on Pilgrimage
In Psalm 84 David talks about the joy of God's house and having a heart set on a pilgrimage to see it. Take a look at this powerful imagery of life as a journey toward God.
Eleven Tips for Surviving Season Changes
Seasonal changes can be difficult for persons with anxiety or depression. Look at eleven ways to survive--and even enjoy the shift from summer to fall and winter.
Jesus’ Lessons on Self Care: Christian Self Care Part Two
Jesus' life and behaviors give us a model for Christian self care and what a full, balanced life looks like.
Christian Self Care part one: Lessons from under a Broom Tree
Christian self care isn't everyone's favorite idea, but looking at God's tender care for Elijah under the broom tree in Kings, we see just how much our well-being matters to God.
A New Quiet Time Plan
Do you struggle with daily quiet time? Read on for a simple four-step plan for daily time with God as well as a free printable quiet time journal.
Hope for prodigals (sort of part two)
Most of us know someone who isn’t walking with God. And for the anxious soul, it’s easy to worry and fear over those souls. It feels justified. Why would I NOT worry about the heart status of my loved ones? How could it possibly be wrong? Well...