Soul Care

Soul care is an ever-growing relationship with God through Bible study, prayer, spiritual disciplines, and lifestyle choices.

  • banner for Sacred Pathways
    Book Reviews,  Soul Care

    Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God

    Recently I found a little book called Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God. I love anything that helps me connect with God. To me Bible study, quiet time, prayer—it’s all about connecting with God. Anxiety disconnects me. I go inside myself and don’t always connect with God, who is more than happy to come when I call and hold my hand and guide me back to calm. So, I thought, nine ways to make this connection. I can use that.

  • Prayers for Prodigals book cover banner
    Book Reviews,  Soul Care

    Prayers for Prodigals–A Review

    I’d love to say I have no experience with this, that all of my children are walking with God, but the truth is I have prodigals. And the heart status of people I love can be agonizing. I worry. I push sometimes. Sometimes my fear over their eternal futures paralyzes me. I want to pray, but I run out of words. Mostly I run out of hope. I have prayed for years, and sometimes I am too weary to pray another day. Enter James Banks and his book Prayers for Prodigals: 90 Days of Prayer for Your Child.

  • Boat in a storm, the authority of Jesus
    Anxiety,  Bible Study,  Soul Care

    Asleep in the Boat–The Authority of Jesus

    This is who loves me. He’s Other, not quite tied to this world. That means I, as his daughter, am also other, not quite tied to this world. Anxiety, which plagues me, is worse when I forget that, and it lessens when I remember. The rules here, the chaos and noise, the rises and the falls—this isn’t my kingdom. It’s not my home. Jesus was homeless, and in a way I am, too, only it’s a good thing. How much time do I want to spend on real estate here? This place is a mess, and it isn’t mine. Not permanently.