Let There Be Light
My word for this year is Illuminate, a word rich with meanings. Here I share my word as well as visions and goals for 2025--all surrendered to his Light.
Meditations with an Ink Pen
While waiting for surgery and biopsy results for a melanoma on my ear, I picked up a new habit of writing Scripture. Over and over and over...
Stillness, God’s 2024 Word for me
This year I chose Stillness as my word for the year, with Wisdom and Wonder as supplementary words. Here I discuss how I chose, what verses go with them, and how I hope to use these words in my daily life through 2024.
Buying Lamp Oil
A parable about ten virgins and lamp oil helped me think through my writing and straighten out my priorities.
The Power of the Pause
After finding a phone app called The One-Minute Pause by John Eldredge and the Wild at Heart Team, I pondered the wisdom of the pause and many ways to incorporate holy pauses into my daily rhythm.
The Power of Thoughts and Words
Defeating anxiety depends on controlling our thought life. 1 Thessalonians 5 gives us some concrete ways to do that: rejoice, pray, and give thanks. Why isn't it that easy?
A Tale of Two Nervous Systems
Jesus promises peace. If we look at the science of the human body, we see this affects more than our souls. Jesus' plan for our peace also improves our health, as does His model of living that life of peace and wholeness.
Safe in God Alone
Those who struggle with mental illness sometimes run into a wall when they look for treatment, as some think that the idea of God Alone caring for us means we can't look to the resources of God's world to help us. But maybe this isn't the right way to see things...
Tips for Choosing–and Using–a Word or Bible Verse for the Year
Choosing a verse or word of the year can help focus your time with God for the year. Here are some tips on both choosing and using a verse for this year.
Being Grounded and Being Rooted
Being grounded is a great way to derail anxiety--for the moment. But long-term change comes from being rooted and built up in Christ. Check out grounding and rooting methods and find more peace.