The Power of the Pause
After finding a phone app called The One-Minute Pause by John Eldredge and the Wild at Heart Team, I pondered the wisdom of the pause and many ways to incorporate holy pauses into my daily rhythm.
Ask: Finding Lessons in Suffering
In the midst-or at the end--of suffering, do you ask God what He wanted you to learn? A look at asking God to help you understand what suffering is meant to produce in your life.
Seeking God’s Strength
When I saw the verse from 1 Chronicles on my phone--Search for the Lord and his strength--I froze, knowing this meant something to me right now. This is my search for that meaning...
Advent and the Art of Waiting
I wanted to celebrate Advent. Instead I found myself with a migraine living a mini Advent and looking at the Psalms. Object lessons can hurt, y'all!
Being Grounded and Being Rooted
Being grounded is a great way to derail anxiety--for the moment. But long-term change comes from being rooted and built up in Christ. Check out grounding and rooting methods and find more peace.
Panic Update–Taking Every Thought Captive
By taking every thought captive and using some grounding techniques, I managed to get through an intense bout of panic disorder quickly, and I think I'm stronger now than when I started. This is my story.
Notes from a Panic Disorder Relapse
After fifteen years of decent mental health, this week panic disorder is taking me down. A very honest post from the midst of a bout of acute anxiety from a Christian who wishes the whole thing would go away and leave her alone.
Why a panic attack is like being in the belly of a fish
...I was surprised to find what appeared to be a description of a panic attack. It wasn't, not exactly, but the similarities--and the lessons, easily apply. Yes, a panic attack and time in the belly of a fish have a lot in common.
Thoughts on the Anxious Christian
Fear not. As an anxious Christian, you’ve heard it. Jesus said it, and you want to obey. You’d love nothing more than to do what he asks and never fear again. But the world is a scary place. People we love disappoint us. They die or leave. Your job might not be secure. Perhaps your health isn’t good. Your children have broken your heart. Economics and politics feel out of control. Whatever it is, things can feel scary. Jesus tells us not to fear, but it’s one of the hardest commands to obey. I’d love not to fear. If I could, I’d never feel another anxious moment in my entire…