Rhythms and daily life choices to help live a life surrendered to Jesus.
Eleven Tips for Surviving Season Changes
Seasonal changes can be difficult for persons with anxiety or depression. Look at eleven ways to survive--and even enjoy the shift from summer to fall and winter.
Jesus’ Lessons on Self Care: Christian Self Care Part Two
Jesus' life and behaviors give us a model for Christian self care and what a full, balanced life looks like.
Christian Self Care part one: Lessons from under a Broom Tree
Christian self care isn't everyone's favorite idea, but looking at God's tender care for Elijah under the broom tree in Kings, we see just how much our well-being matters to God.
A New Quiet Time Plan
Do you struggle with daily quiet time? Read on for a simple four-step plan for daily time with God as well as a free printable quiet time journal.
The Not-To-Do List
The Bible has been training disciples with not-to-do lists for thousands of years, as God knows we need to get rid of sins and distractions before we can fill our lives with good things. Now it seems the world has caught on, and not-to-do lists are trending in the business world. For anxious Christians this can help clear anxiety triggers and overwhelm and lead to more peace.
Rhythms of Renewal–A Book Review
As far as practical, down-to-earth plans for living through and beyond anxiety, this book rocks. First, the book is divided into four rhythms, each with eight short, easy, practical chapters. When taken more or less in order, these four rhythms can help calm and heal an anxious soul.
Social Media and Anxiety: If the Internet Steals your Peace
Social media can be information overload. One thing we anxious people do with too much information is overthink, dwell, agonize, and otherwise take on things that aren’t our problems, and so there is reason for caution.
A Life of Rhythms
For those of us with anxiety, there is a lot of appeal to worship--and life--with predictable rhythm. This is a term I love. I want to see more of my life characterized by rhythms. Not routines, exactly, but rhythms. Ebbs and flows. Work and rest. Speech and silence. The natural world is awash with rhythms, and we don't live in them.