Sound and Fury
Shakespeare's Macbeth said life was a tale of sound and fury. Some days this is an accurate description. But look at God's kingdom, which is a place of peace, rest, and hope, and step away from the chaos into his quiet spaces.
Using Music to Calm Anxiety
Using music to calm anxiety isn't new. In this post explore why it works and how to use music both to calm and prevent anxious moments.
Advent and the Art of Waiting
I wanted to celebrate Advent. Instead I found myself with a migraine living a mini Advent and looking at the Psalms. Object lessons can hurt, y'all!
Being Grounded and Being Rooted
Being grounded is a great way to derail anxiety--for the moment. But long-term change comes from being rooted and built up in Christ. Check out grounding and rooting methods and find more peace.
Get Ready for Advent
Need some ideas for celebrating Advent this year? Take time to slow down, pondering Christ's first coming and anticipating the second. Practical plans and ideas make it easy to celebrate Advent this year.
Visiting the Ruins: Psalm 74
Psam 74 is a lament over the destruction of the temple and a call for God to defend his people. It also gives us words to use when we feel God is far and has forgotten us.
The Benefits of Being Thankful
The benefits of being thankful are many and varied, affecting our health, mind, and soul. Why is it hard to be thankful? What can I do to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude?
Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat–Louie Giglio
In his book, Louie Giglio suggests God invites us to sit at his table, (Ps. 23), to know Him and love Him. Unfortunately, we invite an enemy to join us when we don’t know God well and don’t protect our thought lives. Learn ways to keep the enemy at bay and to enjoy life at the Shepherd’s table.
Panic Update–Taking Every Thought Captive
By taking every thought captive and using some grounding techniques, I managed to get through an intense bout of panic disorder quickly, and I think I'm stronger now than when I started. This is my story.
Beauty, Nature, and Anxiety
Beautiful landscapes--whether real or depicted, can improve mental health, including reducing anxiety. Since God made this world for us, is it any wonder that it upholds and heals us?