• jackhammers for the not to do list idea
    Anxiety,  Brain Care,  Lifestyle

    The Not-To-Do List

    The Bible has been training disciples with not-to-do lists for thousands of years, as God knows we need to get rid of sins and distractions before we can fill our lives with good things. Now it seems the world has caught on, and not-to-do lists are trending in the business world. For anxious Christians this can help clear anxiety triggers…

  • Boat in a storm, the authority of Jesus
    Anxiety,  Bible Study,  Soul Care

    Asleep in the Boat–The Authority of Jesus

    This is who loves me. He’s Other, not quite tied to this world. That means I, as his daughter, am also other, not quite tied to this world. Anxiety, which plagues me, is worse when I forget that, and it lessens when I remember. The rules here, the chaos and noise, the rises and the falls—this isn’t my kingdom. It’s…

  • social anxiety and the church social main image
    Anxiety,  Connections,  Encouragement

    Church socials and the socially anxious

    Church event organizers across the country are going to come after me for this post. In the next few paragraphs, I am going to admit something that won’t surprise you. Here it is: I’m not a fan of church socials. If the goal of an event is to mingle, practice small talk skills, and relax together, I do what I…

  • watch expectantly main image
    Bible Study

    Watch Expectantly

    What does it really mean to be ready to serve? And what does a servant do, practically and physically, while he’s waiting for the master? Finally, what does this have to do with anxiety or fear?

  • Comfort Zone image of child in a blanket fort

    Comfort Zone–Blanket Forts to Panic Rooms

    I hate the term comfort zone, so from now on I’m calling it my blanket fort. If God calls you, don’t hide in your blanket fort. If life scares you and seems dark, and God is gently coaxing at the door of your fort, climb out. He’s likely calling you out not to ask you to do the impossible, but…

  • what makes you feel safe image of dog hiding in a blanket
    Bible Study

    What makes you feel safe?

    There is NOTHING wrong with feeling safe. The closer I am to God, the safer I feel in all scenarios. God wants me to feel peace and calm and joy and contentment. He’s all for that. But when I strive to avoid certain things to the point where my drive for safety is draining away all my peace… Well, that…