Bible studies, lifestyle ideas, tips and hints, all focused on encouraging those on the Christian journey.
Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat–Louie Giglio
In his book, Louie Giglio suggests God invites us to sit at his table, (Ps. 23), to know Him and love Him. Unfortunately, we invite an enemy to join us when we don’t know God well and don’t protect our thought lives. Learn ways to keep the enemy at bay and to enjoy life at the Shepherd’s table.
Panic Update–Taking Every Thought Captive
By taking every thought captive and using some grounding techniques, I managed to get through an intense bout of panic disorder quickly, and I think I'm stronger now than when I started. This is my story.
Sacred Pathways Part Two
Part two of our look at nine ways to connect with God during personal worship/quiet time. Which ones describe you?
Fighting Holiday Anxiety
Holiday anxiety can derail celebrations and cause undue heartache. Look at some of the triggers of holiday anxiety as well as some ways to face the holidays without holiday anxiety or depression.
Notes from a Panic Disorder Relapse
After fifteen years of decent mental health, this week panic disorder is taking me down. A very honest post from the midst of a bout of acute anxiety from a Christian who wishes the whole thing would go away and leave her alone.
Eleven Tips for Surviving Season Changes
Seasonal changes can be difficult for persons with anxiety or depression. Look at eleven ways to survive--and even enjoy the shift from summer to fall and winter.
Hope for prodigals (sort of part two)
Most of us know someone who isn’t walking with God. And for the anxious soul, it’s easy to worry and fear over those souls. It feels justified. Why would I NOT worry about the heart status of my loved ones? How could it possibly be wrong? Well...
Three Hidden Benefits of Anxiety
Can anxiety actually create beneficial character traits in a Christian? Yep, and James gives us three. Discover how God can use your weakness for HIs purposes.
Church socials and the socially anxious
Church event organizers across the country are going to come after me for this post. In the next few paragraphs, I am going to admit something that won’t surprise you. Here it is: I’m not a fan of church socials. If the goal of an event is to mingle, practice small talk skills, and relax together, I do what I can to duck out. It’s that relax part that gets me. Do some of you relax in a big group setting? I am envious. Church socials and the socially anxious don't always play well together, but they're here to stay, so we have to learn to navigate.
Comfort Zone–Blanket Forts to Panic Rooms
I hate the term comfort zone, so from now on I’m calling it my blanket fort. If God calls you, don’t hide in your blanket fort. If life scares you and seems dark, and God is gently coaxing at the door of your fort, climb out. He’s likely calling you out not to ask you to do the impossible, but to rescue you from coming storms and hail and wind, which are going to crush you in your oh-so-wise hiding spot.