Hints, thoughts, and Bible studies about a surrendered Christian life as an anxious person.
Beauty, Nature, and Anxiety
Beautiful landscapes--whether real or depicted, can improve mental health, including reducing anxiety. Since God made this world for us, is it any wonder that it upholds and heals us?
Fighting Holiday Anxiety
Holiday anxiety can derail celebrations and cause undue heartache. Look at some of the triggers of holiday anxiety as well as some ways to face the holidays without holiday anxiety or depression.
Notes from a Panic Disorder Relapse
After fifteen years of decent mental health, this week panic disorder is taking me down. A very honest post from the midst of a bout of acute anxiety from a Christian who wishes the whole thing would go away and leave her alone.
Eleven Tips for Surviving Season Changes
Seasonal changes can be difficult for persons with anxiety or depression. Look at eleven ways to survive--and even enjoy the shift from summer to fall and winter.
The Not-To-Do List
The Bible has been training disciples with not-to-do lists for thousands of years, as God knows we need to get rid of sins and distractions before we can fill our lives with good things. Now it seems the world has caught on, and not-to-do lists are trending in the business world. For anxious Christians this can help clear anxiety triggers and overwhelm and lead to more peace.
Three Hidden Benefits of Anxiety
Can anxiety actually create beneficial character traits in a Christian? Yep, and James gives us three. Discover how God can use your weakness for HIs purposes.
Asleep in the Boat–The Authority of Jesus
This is who loves me. He’s Other, not quite tied to this world. That means I, as his daughter, am also other, not quite tied to this world. Anxiety, which plagues me, is worse when I forget that, and it lessens when I remember. The rules here, the chaos and noise, the rises and the falls—this isn’t my kingdom. It’s not my home. Jesus was homeless, and in a way I am, too, only it’s a good thing. How much time do I want to spend on real estate here? This place is a mess, and it isn’t mine. Not permanently.
Rhythms of Renewal–A Book Review
As far as practical, down-to-earth plans for living through and beyond anxiety, this book rocks. First, the book is divided into four rhythms, each with eight short, easy, practical chapters. When taken more or less in order, these four rhythms can help calm and heal an anxious soul.
Church socials and the socially anxious
Church event organizers across the country are going to come after me for this post. In the next few paragraphs, I am going to admit something that won’t surprise you. Here it is: I’m not a fan of church socials. If the goal of an event is to mingle, practice small talk skills, and relax together, I do what I can to duck out. It’s that relax part that gets me. Do some of you relax in a big group setting? I am envious. Church socials and the socially anxious don't always play well together, but they're here to stay, so we have to learn to navigate.