Stillness, God’s 2024 Word for me
This year I chose Stillness as my word for the year, with Wisdom and Wonder as supplementary words. Here I discuss how I chose, what verses go with them, and how I hope to use these words in my daily life through 2024.
Lament and the Longest Night
Right before Christmas, we in the northern hemisphere experience the longest night, and it's a good time to bring our laments to God, admitting our doubts and hurts and fears before we celebrate Jesus's arrival.
The Sanctuary of Psalm 114
When Psalm 114 speaks of Israel as a sanctuary, maybe it's speaking of me and the church as sanctuaries, as well. What does that look like?
Buying Lamp Oil
A parable about ten virgins and lamp oil helped me think through my writing and straighten out my priorities.
From Dry, Dormant Seeds..
As I pray for lost loved ones, God reminds me that he is working on the seeds of their faith, even dry, dormant seeds that seem to have no life in them.
Sometimes the Cross is Real…
A short, simple pondering of the pain of reading about Jesus's crucifixion now that I know Him better.
How do you Feel?
When asked How Do You Feel? I had no idea. I had dropped my emotional life down to two options: I'm feeling anxious OR I'm not feeling anxious. I needed to change that.
The Power of the Pause
After finding a phone app called The One-Minute Pause by John Eldredge and the Wild at Heart Team, I pondered the wisdom of the pause and many ways to incorporate holy pauses into my daily rhythm.
The Power of Thoughts and Words
Defeating anxiety depends on controlling our thought life. 1 Thessalonians 5 gives us some concrete ways to do that: rejoice, pray, and give thanks. Why isn't it that easy?
Do You Want to get Well?
Jesus asks a lame man at a pool if he wants to get well. Turns out being healed can have unexpected consequences. If Jesus asks you if you want to get well, get ready for big changes not only in who you are but also in what Jesus means for you to do in the Kingdom.