Brain Care
Caring for the brain, through diet and physical care as well as mental exercises.
Lament and the Longest Night
Right before Christmas, we in the northern hemisphere experience the longest night, and it's a good time to bring our laments to God, admitting our doubts and hurts and fears before we celebrate Jesus's arrival.
How do you Feel?
When asked How Do You Feel? I had no idea. I had dropped my emotional life down to two options: I'm feeling anxious OR I'm not feeling anxious. I needed to change that.
A Tale of Two Nervous Systems
Jesus promises peace. If we look at the science of the human body, we see this affects more than our souls. Jesus' plan for our peace also improves our health, as does His model of living that life of peace and wholeness.
Using Music to Calm Anxiety
Using music to calm anxiety isn't new. In this post explore why it works and how to use music both to calm and prevent anxious moments.
Being Grounded and Being Rooted
Being grounded is a great way to derail anxiety--for the moment. But long-term change comes from being rooted and built up in Christ. Check out grounding and rooting methods and find more peace.
The Not-To-Do List
The Bible has been training disciples with not-to-do lists for thousands of years, as God knows we need to get rid of sins and distractions before we can fill our lives with good things. Now it seems the world has caught on, and not-to-do lists are trending in the business world. For anxious Christians this can help clear anxiety triggers and overwhelm and lead to more peace.
Rhythms of Renewal–A Book Review
As far as practical, down-to-earth plans for living through and beyond anxiety, this book rocks. First, the book is divided into four rhythms, each with eight short, easy, practical chapters. When taken more or less in order, these four rhythms can help calm and heal an anxious soul.