
Lamp Oil Resources is my series of non-fiction books. Taken from Luke 12:35: “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning…” where Jesus tells us to be alert and watching, as well as the parable of the ten virgins who run out of oil, Lamp Oil Resources includes prayer books, journals, Bible studies–anything that helps readers keep their lamps filled and ready to serve. This page will grow, so check back often.

Coming July 2024… Do you long to love Jesus more deeply? To rest in his presence? Weaving together storytelling, history, and Bible study, Seen and Invited brings Jesus, the disciples, and the people of Israel to life, illuminating Jesus’s tender Shepherd heart as he sees and gathers his lambs, something he still does today. Visit Book Page

Cover of Still and Quiet: Prayers for Morning and Evening. Image of sunset over a calm ocean and cave

Visual prayer book of morning and evening prayers. Calming, praiseworthy images, Scripture, prayers, and hymn lyrics to help develop rhythms with God morning and evening. Buy at Amazon.

Regular time in God’s Word is vital for a healthy spiritual and emotional life. This journal includes a four-step method of daily quiet time. After the steps are explained, the remainder of the journal is pages with space to record thoughts and insights for each step. Enough pages for about six months of daily quiet times. Buy at Amazon.

Cover of Until the Son of God Appears: Meditations and Practices for Advent. Image of candles and pine boughs

Meditations and practices for Advent. Prayers, Scripture, and activities for the pre-Christmas season, all in a full-color book of restful images to enhance Advent celebrations. Buy at Amazon.

If you love fiction, especially with more introverted heroes and heroines, check out Jill’s other website showcasing her fiction in several genres.